Our Story

Welcome to Triple C Angus, a family owned and operated farm nestled in beautiful Salem County NJ, where the Coles family have called home for 4 generations! Our path through agriculture, like many others in the industry, has had many twists and turns that have lead us to where we are today. Established in 1988 as a commercial cow-calf operation, we have evolved into a herd where 70 percent of our cattle are registered Black Angus and the remaining 30 percent are heavily influenced by the Angus breed. We purchased our first Black angus heifer in 2004 and through intensive breeding and technologies like, embryo transfer, we were able to transform our herd into what it is today. We strive each year to use only the best the breed has to offer to produce the next generation to make sure that the beef that is on your plate is up to our standards. We won’t feed your family with anything less than what we feed our family with!
We pride ourselves in being a completely family run operation and plan to keep it that way for years to come. If you drive by the farm there is a good chance that you will see Eddie on a tractor even at the young age of 90 or see Skip and Stacy doing one of the many chores involved with the day to day operation. Although Skip and Stacy’s children, Skip and Corie, don’t live on the farm they still maintain an active roll in the business. Skip ensures that the herd remains healthy and makes all the breeding decisions so that we can offer you our best. Corie is the driving force behind getting our best to your plate.
Not only are you buying local when you buy from us, you are also buying growth hormone and antibiotic free! Our animals are maintained on a pasture and forage based diet and then transitioned to a grain based diet for the 3-4 month finishing phase. This allows for a more efficient rate of gain as well as increasing the percentage of marbling or intramuscular fat. With increased marbling comes a juicier more tender eating experience!
Here at Triple C Angus our cows are not just cows, they are our livelihood and we truly love sharing our passion with you! Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have. We would love to hear from you!–